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Just the Music from

Reflections on…

The Proverbs of Solomon

Perspectives…by Matthew - icon

Improvised piano music (without narration)—album

This is a companion meditation tool. These 15-minute improvised piano music tracks may be used during personal times of reflection.

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Reflections on…The Proverbs of Solomon.x


Just the Music™ - COVER

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Matt offers his original music with no expectation of payment.

The above audio files are absolutely FREE for your personal use and enjoyment.
However, donations are always appreciated.

Recording Information and Credits

Title: Just the Music from "Reflections on…The Proverbs of Solomon"
Artist: Matt Johnson

Release Date: November, 2010

Produced, Engineered, Mastered, Graphics and Artwork:

~Matt Johnson

Record Label: Dolce & Nuit Productions

CD Numbers:
DNP4305-2: Reflections on…The Proverbs of Solomon
DNP4810-2: Just the Music™ from

   "Reflections on…The Proverbs of Solomon"


UPC: 045011481028

Total Recording Time: 7 hours, 45 minutes


~Matt Johnson: piano and harmony ball texture


Graphics created for this recording

…a melding of Matt's music and narrations

In my life journey, there have been many chapters. Each phase helped me grow…helped me learn that my views and opinions are not the only way of seeing things…things that might work for me may not work for another…and that's okay. Most significantly, becoming a father has given me a different perspective on living.

It is with these understandings that I present the "Perspectives…by Matthew" series—a melding of my music and narrations. Selections within this series will feature improvised and captured "moments in time." When I sit down at the piano to create the music and narrate the words, an improvisational musical picture emerges. These are the musical moments I offer…for your own personal times of reflection and meditation.

As I continue on my path, I look forward to exploring many topics of interest.

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The first project in this series features Matt's improvised musical reflections as he narrates the 31 chapters of the Proverbs of Solomon. Each track [chapter] is 15 minutes in length, totaling almost 8 hours of audio content.

This is a "musical audiobook" devotional tool. Using these 15-minute guided meditations to reflect daily on the ancient wisdoms of the Proverbs allows the listener to easily cycle through the entire book of Proverbs each month.

The original improvised music has also been released in a companion "Just the Music™" series—without narration—to enjoy during personal times of reflection and meditation.

Perspectives…by Matthew
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